Thursday, 12 April 2012

Login issues in Oracle EBS 11i after Clone ( from hotbackup)

Error in login page:

ORA-01110: data file 98: '/disk09_250/oradata/mine/a_txn_data14.dbf'
ORA-26040: Data block was loaded using the NOLOGGING option


1. Compile jsp:
cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
perl --compile --flush

2. Access the form directly using the URL:

3. Run the request:
"Synchronize WF LOCAL tables" - Parameters: ALL
"Synchronize WF LOCAL tables" - Parameters: FND_USER

Restart Apache. This will resolve the issue.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the concurrent progarm : Synchronize WF LOCAL tables,

    We need to enter values at the parameter window. And the value entered
    is the system whose user and role information will be synchronized
    with the WF_LOCAL tables.

    For example: FND_USER is for FND users of the application system and
    its users & roles will be synchronized with the WF_LOCAL tables.

    And the value ALL is to synchronise all the originatiing systems to be

    Following are the values which can be selected and giving ALL will
    select all of the below:

    AMV_APPR - MarketView Approvals
    AMV_CHN - MarketView Channels
    ENG_LIST - Engineering Approval List
    FND_RESP - FND Responsibilities
    FND_USR - FND Users
    GBX - Federal HR Group Boxes
    HZ_GROUP - TCA Groups
    HZ_PARTY - TCA Parties
    PER_ROLE - HR People
    POS - HR Positions
    PQH_ROLES - Position Control Roles.
