Thursday, 19 April 2012

Change port in Oracle Apps 11i

Web listener port has a default value: 8000.
The entry in the context file for web listener port value is: s_webport

         <web_port oa_var="s_webport" oa_type="PORT">8021</web_port>
         <web_port_pls oa_var="s_webport_pls" oa_type="PORT">8221</web_port_pls>
Here the port is 21: 8021

To change the port value, change the context file with the new port number (While all application services are down) and run Autoconfig.This Process can be followed to change some ports individually.

To change port value we can follow below mentioned step as well:

-       Run
  • Set the Applications Environment by sourcing $APPL_TOP/APPSORA.env
  • "cd" to $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
  • Execute "perl appsTier"
-        Run
  • Stop all oracle services for Applications by running "".
  • "cd to "$COMMON_TOP/clone/bin
  • Execute "perl appsTier"
  • Enter new port pool number when prompted

1 comment:

  1. its very good. Can you please post for change port in
    oracle apps R12.1
