Thursday, 12 April 2012

Accessing Oracle EBS 11i forms on a RAC Environment

The way we can sign into forms in a RAC environment when one of the RAC database instance is down, is through the failover which happens only if we have the environment variable TWO_TASK set to the load balanced alias entry in the TNSnames.ora in the 8.0.6 Oracle Home.

For example: We need to have the below entry in the tnsnames.ora:

SID= mine
Database RAC nodes: minedb01 and minedb02



.  If we don’t have the above entry, we will get the below mentioned error while signing in to forms ( when a RAC database instance is down and a failover is required:

APP-FND-01516: Invalid application username, password, or database
Database: mine


1. Make the following changes to the context file

s_tools_twotask = prod_806_BALANCE
s_weboh_twotask = prod_BALANCE

The <SID>_806_BALANCE TNS alias is generated by autoconfig in a RAC environment.

2. Run autoconfig to generate the various environment configuration files.

3. Restart application and test the failover.

Reference: Metalink id: 386685.1

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