Recently we came across a forms time out issue. All the user forms
sessions were getting disconnected after an Hour. The FORMS_TIMEOUT variable was set to 120 mins though. This should practically
disconnect the forms session after 2 hours.
Here the reason for the issue is because of the mismatch of the ICX and
OC4J timeout session parameters.
OC4J session timeout, if not set, defaults to 20 minutes. This will
cause the oc4j session to timeout
before the Apps/ Forms session timeout which is defined by profile option "ICX: Session Timeout"
before the Apps/ Forms session timeout which is defined by profile option "ICX: Session Timeout"
Profile option "ICX: Session Timeout"
and autoconfig variable "s_oc4j_sesstimeout"
in context file should match.
In case you need the session to timeout after
2 hrs then the profile option "ICX: Session Timeout" and autoconfig
variable "s_oc4j_sesstimeout" should be set to 120.